Winter intake

December 9th 2024




taught in English

Fast Track - Master / International Business Administration

Full-time study

Esdes Business School

Do not wait until next September to join the Master in International Business Administration of Esdes Business School. Esdes allows you to join the promotion in December.

Download the brochure for the Master in Management

Study in France
Fast Track – Master International Business Administration

Why integrate the Fast Track – International Business Administration?

The Fast Track allows you to join the same promotion as the September intake.
At the end of the program, subject to validation, you’ll graduate with your entire class from the Esdes Master in Management, at the same time as the students who started in September.

The master in International Business Administration will allow you to gain a solid perspective on the nature of business competitiveness and acquire skills to evaluate the complexity of the international business arena. At the end of the program, you will be prepared to be an international business leader.

Degree: Master in Management

Duration: 18 months

Professional experience during the program: Consultancy project and 6-months internship during the final year



You enter the Master cycle in December, without waiting for the next academic year. You will finish your studies 18 months later, and graduate with the entire class.



The Fast Track allows you to validate your diploma in only 18 months instead of 2 years. By this way, you may for example reduce your costs because you will have to remain in France for a shorter amount of time.



Getting your visa and all the paperwork done may sometimes take more time than expected. As a result, you may not have everything you need ready for the September intake. In that case, not everything is lost, on the contrary! Thanks to the Fast Track, you can join the Master International Business Administration in December and graduate 18 months later!



  • The campus has 20% international students of 35 nationalities. 40% of Esdes teachers have experiences beyond borders.
  • You will join a program composed of students from more than 13 different nationalities. The program also welcomes between 40% and 50% of French students. An ideal way to be immersed in the French culture while also encountering students from everywhere.
  • The program is taught by professor for all around the world (11 different nationalities).
  • The Fast Track program is 100% taught in English.
  • Possibility of an international double degree to be chosen from among the 40 possibilities offered in 13 destinations.
  • 2 6-month internships to be carried out in France or abroad during the final year of the program.



During the 18 months of your formation, you will have a consequent amount of hours to study French. These French classes will help you to become more comfortable and fluent in French and to be prepared for your personal and professional life in France.

Esdes also supports each student in their success, in particular through the PEP’s program. This will help you through your professional development in order to find the internship that you will need to graduate.



Esdes is the school of responsible natives, it is one of the leaders of responsible management. Each student will be able to benefit from the expertise in corporate social responsibility (CSR) of the research professors of the Research at Esdes by following the masterclass of their choice.



The Esdes Master in Management is a state recognized Master degree, accredited by the EFMD. Graduates benefit from an employability rate that is among the best on the market (100% employed less than 6 months after graduation).
Their high level of expertise combined with a comprehensive understanding of business issues make them professionals acclaimed by companies.

95% of alumni recommend the Esdes Master in Management

The Master in Management is EFMD accredited since March 2020 and AACSB Accredited since 2021.

logo AACSB accreditedlogo efmd accredited


The Master in Management has achieved the highest state recognition (« Grade de Master »). The program also has a RNCP title which assures a high quality training. (RNCP n°36271 : see more)

logo diplome visé par l'etatlogo diplome grade de masterlogo diplome certifié RNCP



During the 18 months of the Fast Track – International Business Administration, students will follow different courses:

Semesters 7 & 8 (Master 1)

Module title Teaching hours (exams included) ECTS Semester
International Taxation and Social Responsibility 24 3 7
Innovation, Creativity and Project Management 24 3 7
Global Supply Chain Management 24 3 7
Business Game: Global Challenge 24 3 7
International Business Law 24 3 7
Fair Trade and Sustainable Development 24 3 8
Corporate Governance 24 3 8
International Corporate Finance 24 3 8
International Business Strategy 24 3 8
International Marketing 24 3 8
Leadership in International Management 24 3 8
Common Modules
Managing Cultural Diversity 24 3 7
Strategy: choices and implementation 24 3 7
Choice of 4 Masterclasses *To be chosen within a list of available Masterclasses 72 8 7&8
Foreign language (French for non-French speakers, English, German, Spanish or Italian) 24 2 7&8
Career Project (PEP’S) 15 2 7 & 8
Program events 24 2 7 & 8
Data Management 24 3 7 & 8
Responsible Management 24 3 7 & 8


Semesters 9 & 10 (Master 2)

Module title Teaching hours (exams included) ECTS Semester
International Financial Management 24 3 9
Business Trends & Communication 24 3 9
Information System & Decision Making 24 3 9
Entrepreneurship & Business Modelling 24 3 9
International Human Resource Management 24 3 9
Digital Marketing 24 3 9
Common modules 
Research Methodology 24 3 9
Choice of 2 Masterclasses

*To be chosen within a list of available Masterclasses

36 4 9
Business Strategy Game 24 3 9
Career Project (PEP’S) 8 1 9
Foreign language (French for non-French speakers, English, German, Spanish or Italian) 12 1 9
Program events 12 9
Professional thesis and Grand Oral 20 10
Internship Master 2 10 10



  • To master and apply the knowledge and skills required for functioning effectively in a specialized field of business.
  • To adopt ethical, social and responsible behavior by engaging in activities that impact society.
  • To manage operations in companies or organizations within an international context.
  • To contribute to the collective performance of the group by being an effective team member.
  • To work efficiently with people from different cultures and operate successfully in various environments.
  • To develop professional hindsight to solve problems and make subsequent decisions.
  • To acquire communication skills in order to engage with a wide range of audiences in at least two different languages.
  • To contribute to the digital transformation of organizations through the development of a digital mindset and expertise.



Students choose two masterclass per semester. These courses are led by research professors, as close as possible to their research themes. They offer specialized education to strengthen the expertise of students in the context of their specialization or their professional project. This proximity makes it possible to link pedagogy to research, it is an opportunity to involve students in the research of their teachers. They thus discover, in a concrete way, the work of a researcher that they experience through their applied research theses.

Some examples of masterclass at Esdes:

  • Social entrepreneurship
  • Information and disinformation on the international scene at the time of fake news and conspiracy theories
  • Processing Complexity with Emotional, Sensorial and Spiritual capacities
  • Recovery of companies in difficulty
  • Governance of family businesses
  • Behavioral Finance
  • Narrative Analysis
  • Sustainability and Luxury Marketing
  • Socially responsible investment


In terms of career opportunities, most of the students have an international career rather in their home country or abroad.

The Fast Track – Master International Business Administration is open to students holding a license or a Bachelor’s degree (180 ECTS) in management, business, communication or management.



Application to be returned before November 15, 2024.
Students who do not already have a Visa are invited to return their application before October 31.

The candidate must currently be finishing or have already completed their third year of a bachelor degree (equivalent to 180 ECTS credits).

After receiving the application, including supporting documents, the admissions board will review the complete file.

Please send your complete application form to:

Candidates will then be invited for a personal interview by Skype.

After the interview, the final admission results will be communicated by email.

Applications are evaluated as follows:

Admission for master’s degree Weighting
Application form 10
English test 4
Interview 6


Native English speakers or candidates who have been studying in English for at least two years will be exempt from the English test requirement. In this case, applications are evaluated as follows:

Admission for master’s degree Weighting
Application form 10
Personal interview 10



Documents required for your application:

  • Completed application form
  • Transcripts of your Higher Education studies
  • Transcripts of baccalaureate or equivalent high school diploma
  • Two academic and / or professional recommendation letters
  • Official English test results (TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS, CAMBRIDGE EasySPEAKing*,…), native English speaking students are exempt.
  • Cover letter
  • Résumé / CV
  • Copy of passport (photograph page)
  • ID photo
  • Application fees: €50 (non-refundable).

*Easy Speaking: realize this official English exam with Esdes. If you wish to pass this test, (50€ fees), please inform us in your application form.



See Rates.

Please note that for the December intake, Early bird rate is available for non-EU international students: 10% discount applicable to the year’s tuition fees if the complete application form is sent in and the tuition fees are paid before the end of July.

You have questions about the Early bird? Ask our team:  


Flywire, powerful global payment network

Esdes Business School has partnered with Flywire to accept payments from international students worldwide.

You can easily pay your tuition and fees online: Flywire provides a secure global payment network that simplifies paying your fees from your home country and countries around the world.

Payment options can include bank transfers, credit cards, e-wallets and more, typically in your home currency for most countries.

Check out how it works 

pay now with flywire

Available for non E.U international students : Discover more

Students admitted for the September 2024 school year can benefit from a deferral of integration for the Fast Track program.

They do not need to take the competitive entrance exam again, they do not pay the admission fees, and their registration deposit is not refunded.


Do you have a question about Esdes? Contact us!

The international recruitment team will answer you as soon as possible