
2022: The Bachelor’s Degree receives official recognition

grade licence bachelor esdes

2021: ESDES Lyon Business School obtains the international accreditation AACSB for 5 years


2020: The Grande Ecole program receives EPAS accreditation

logo efmd accredited EPAS

2019: Our new campus opens in Annecy

campus alpes europe annecy

2018: Launch of the executive education program

2017: Launch of the Bachelor program

bachelor esdes

2016: ESDES joins the PRME

logo PRME

2015: ESDES moves to the Saint-Paul campus

header hall saint paul campus

2012: Launch of the first work-study training programs

photo étudiants devant l'entreprise SEB

2010: Creation of the ESDES Research Center

logo esdes recherche

2007: ESDES joins the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles

logo CGE

2006: The Master’s Degree receives official recognition

logo grade de master

2003: ESDES obtains the Visa


2000: ESDES obtains state recognition

logo MESRI ministère de l'enseignement supérieur, de la recherche et de l'innovation

1998: Launch of the ACCES competitive entrance examination in partnership with IESEG and ESSCA

1990: The alumni association is born

logo esdes alumni

1987: ESDES is created within the Catholic University of Lyon (UCLy)

logo ucly