Personal and professional development program
(in French : Parcours d'évolution personnelle et professionnelle PEP'S)
The PEP's is a cursus that supports the transition from the student posture to the professional posture to become a unique talent! This progression path, led by career consultants, includes workshops and interactions with the professional world.
In the 1st cycle, the first step is to get to know yourself well through personal development workshops, to discover the professional environment and the codes of the company to ensure your first steps, and to choose your orientation in Master. The tools (CV, cover letter, pitch) are supplemented by training on the use of professional social networks.
In the Master cycle (initial or work-study), personal and relational skills (soft skills) are deployed and reinforced by practical exercises: development of assertiveness, stress management, time management, meeting management, decision-making intelligence … Each student has the necessary techniques and resources to build their professional identity and progress in the company.
The 5th year provides the necessary tools to prepare for recruitment interviews (knowledge of contracts, negotiation, gender equality, etc.) and make a successful entry into working life!