Academic departements

ESDES has 50 full-time faculty members, 71% of whom have doctorates and almost half of whom are international.

The full-time faculty is organized into 5 departments, covering the teaching areas of the different Esdes programs. They teach in all the programs, with courses ranging from introduction to the subject all the way to advanced, for example in the Master's level MasterClasses (optional courses, closely related to the experts' research work).


The Management, Human Resources and Leadership department brings together experts from different management disciplines such as Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Purchasing and Supply Chain, as well as Human Resources Management and Organizational Behaviors.

They all work on the strategic challenges of business development: business creation, risk assessment, horizontal or vertical growth, involvement of external factors, and control of the supply chain, while ensuring responsible human resources management.

The approach to management is built around the values of respect, humanism and CSR, which are conveyed in the courses.

This department manages the CUBE, UCLy's start-up incubator for students.

Nathalie Tessier

Head of the Department of Management, Human Resources and Leadership

PhD in management sciences

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Portrait EC Nathalie TESSIER


This department brings together experts in finance (financial and analytical accounting, management control, financial analysis, financial markets, etc.), law (business law, labor law, tax law, etc.) and quantitative management techniques (quantitative methods, mathematics applied to management, etc.).

One of the roles of the Finance, accounting & management control Department is contributing to the courses for preparation of the DSCG, in partnership with the Institution des Chartreux.

Chamsa Fendri

Head of the Department of Finance, accounting & management control

PhD in Management Sciences

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Portait EC Chamsa FENDRI


This department brings together experts in retail, trade, marketing and digital and data transformation:
consumer behavior, innovation and product, brand management, advertising, influence, Big data, negotiation, digital transformation...

Quantitative and qualitative analysis, surveys and field investigations are among their areas of expertise. Marketing experts teach their students to understand consumer behavior in order to better guide it.

Pierre Piré-Lechalard

Head of the Department of Marketing & Digital Business

PhD in Management Sciences

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Rosalie DOUYON

Head of the Department of Strategy, Entrepreneurship and International Business

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portrait EC DOUYON Rosalie