International exchange students and free mover students have the possibility of studying for one or two semesters in the Business Courses in French (BCIF) program.
Students may choose classes which are taught in French, available at Bachelor's or Master's level. Classes are offered in business in the areas of Finance, Marketing, Law, Strategy and Human Resources.
Students from our partner institutions should:
- Have completed at least one year of university studies at their home institution
- Be in good academic standing
- Have at least a B2 level of French
No degree is awarded, however students transfer the ECTS credits obtained during their studies at ESDES.
The language of instruction is French.
- Sociologie et histoire sociale / Introduction au droit
- Modèles macro-économiques contemporains
- Mathématiques financières et mathématique appliquées à la gestion
- Management et comportement organisationnel
- Contrôle de gestion
In the European system, a full-time student obtains 30 ECTS per semester.
1 or 2 semesters
- May 31 for Fall semester (S1)
- October 31 for Spring semester (S2)
We do not accept master level exchange students in Spring semester