Faculty & Research
Research at Esdes
Research at Esdes Business School
At Esdes Business School, our mission is to prepare students and professionals for a more responsible world. In fact, we mobilize all our stakeholders around responsible management through academic courses, conferences and special events.
Founded by the Confluence Sciences and Humanity Research Unit of UCLy (University Catholic of Lyon), Research at Esdes is the research center of Esdes where social, managerial and economic issues are developed.
The place of research teachers in our school
More than forty research professors with totally different profiles unite around the themes that bring them together: ethics, responsibility and sustainability. They share their knowledge, learning and discoveries through education to the world around them.
Students: Let’s meet in classes or masterclasses, where we can discuss your current and future issues, those that will ensure your successful entry into the world of work. Our entier team is avalaible anytime you need them.
Professional: Does your company need a boost? Let’s meet to discuss your issues and help you to understand them better! Esdes uses the expertise of its members for mutual benefit, so do not hesitate and contact the research.
In partnership with companies, the research Chairs aim to support their economic and social development by focusing their studies on concrete cases. The Research at Esdes already has partnerships with major companies such as Société Générale and Véolia Environnement.
Responsible management as a priority issue at Esdes
Are you interested in responsible management? Our research professors publish weekly articles in their respective fields of expertise. Regular conferences are also offered on the Lyon and Annecy campuses, to which students, professionals and external members of Esdes are invited. This is an opportunity to keep informed of trends and updates in the business world directly from the experts.
Find all the news of our research professors in our “Research News” section available on the Esdes blog.