Anne-Sophie Thélisson

Anne-Sophie Thélisson

PhD in Management Sciences

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Portrait EC Anne-Sophie Thelisson


Faculty member


PhD in management sciences, Aix-Marseille University


  • Inter-organizational strategies (mergers and acquisitions, alliances, strategic partnerships)
  • Paradox Theory


Group 1: Corporate social responsibilities and ethics


  • Business strategy
  • Management and financial management
  • How to manage inter-organizational strategies
  • Business Strategy Game


Anne-Sophie Thelisson has been a Faculty member at ESDES Lyon Business School since September 2018. She obtained her PhD in strategy from Aix-Marseille University, focusing on the integration of mergers and acquisitions transactions. Her work mainly focuses on inter-organizational strategies (mergers and acquisitions, alliances, strategic partnerships) and mobilizes the theory of paradoxes. She has been published in journals such as European Business Review, Management Decision and Revue Française de Gestion.


Articles in referenced journals (CNRS, FNEGE)

To be published

THELISSON A.-S., « Coopetition in a Failed Merger Project: Why Two French Companies Called it Quits », Journal of Business Strategy.

THELISSON A.-S., « Corporate Social Responsibility as a Legitmation Startegy in a Merger », Management Decision, (in collaboration with O.Meier).

THELISSON A.-S., « Coopetition in a merger process: regulators and management of coopetitive tensions », International Review of Administrative Sciences.

THELISSON A.-S., « Navigating global vs local tensions in multinational corporations: the paradoxical responses of local managers to competing demands», Management International, (in collaboration with Pauline Keh), (to be published).

THELISSON A.-S., « Managerial biases during a merger process in a government-controlled organization », Journal of Management and Governance, (in collaboration with Olivier Meier), (to be published).

THELISSON A.-S., « Interactions between institutional logics and cultural dynamics in public-private integration process », International Review of Administrative Sciences, (to be published).

THELISSON A. S.,  « The succession Dilemna in Family Firms : case study of a French Company », Journal of Business Strategy, (in collaboration with O. Meier), (to be published).


THELISSON A.-S., (2021), « Influence des managers d'interfaces lors d'un changement organisationnel : cas d'un processus d'intégration post-fusion», Recherches en Sciences de Gestion - Management Sciences-Ciencias de Gestion, vol. 3, n°144, pp. 57-82, (in collaboration with V. Kin).

THELISSON A.-S., (2021), « Comprendre un processus de fusion sous le prisme de la pensée complexe :
Un éclairage prometteur », Revue Française de Gestion (RFG), vol. 4, n° 297, pp. 99-121, (in collaboration with Missionier A., Lasch F. & Missonier S.).


THELISSON A.-S., (2020), « Influence des maisons-mères et évolution de la gouvernance dans un contexte de fusion : quelques enseignements tirés d’un cas », Revue Française de Gouvernance d'Entreprise (RFGE), vol. 1, n° 22, pp. 125-140.

THELISSON A.-S., (2020), "Managing failure in the merger process: evidence from a case study", Journal of Business Strategy, vol. 42, n° 1, pp. 33-39.

THELISSON A. S.,  (2020), « Public-private merger integration as a dynamic process of legitimation », Strategic change vol. 29, n°6, pp.691-697, (in collaboration with O. Meier).

THELISSON A. S.,  (2020), « Le rôle des minorités actives dans le processus d'intégration symbiotique post-acquisition. Une étude longitudinale d'une fusion dans le cadre du Grand Paris », Revue Interdisciplinaire Management, Homme & Entreprise (RIMHE), vol. 2020/3, n° 40, pp. 45 -67, (in collaboration with O. Meier).

THELISSON A.-S., (2020), « Pour une approche "paradoxale"de l’entreprise familiale », Entreprise et Société, vol.7,pp. 67-88.


THELISSON A.-S., (2019), "Reaching organizational ambidexterity in the merger process: a temporal switching", Management Decision, vol. 58, n° 2, pp. 25-38, (in collaboration with A. Missonier and G. Guieu).

THELISSON A.-S., (2019), "A paradoxical approach symbiotic to postmerger integration", European Business Review, vol. 31, n° 2, pp. 232-259, (in collaboration with A. Missonier, G. Guieu and L. S. Lüscher).


THELISSON A.-S., (2018), "Comment gérer une intégration post-fusion ? L'intérêt d'une approche paradoxale multiniveaux", Revue Française de Gestion, vol. 2018/5, n° 274, pp. 127-145.

THELISSON A.-S., (2018), "Changement culturel et hybridité organisationnelle dans le cas d’un rapprochement public-privé", Gestion 2000, vol. 35, n° 2018/6, pp. 19-46, (in collaboration with O. Meier and A. Missonier).

Participation in conferences

To take place in 2021

THELISSON A.-S., (2021), “Individual responses to paradoxes: the interrelationship and the influence of cognition and emotions", 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (Virtual AOM 2021), 29 July - 4 August, New York, USA, (in collaboration with Vo, L-C. & Santistevan, D.).


THELISSON A.-S., (2021), “Evolution du business modèle d’une PME : quelques enseignements tirés d’un cas", 10ème Colloque et séminaire doctoral international ISEOR-Division AOM, June 10-11, Lyon, France, (in collaboration with Meier O.).


THELISSON A.-S., (2020), “Comprendre un processus de fusion sous le prisme de la pensée complexe : un éclairage prometteur", workshop organized by Montpellier University,  November 20, Montpellier, France (in collaboration with Audrey Missionier, Stéphanie Missonier & Frank Lasch).

THELISSON A.-S., and KEH P., (2020), “From an “either/or” towards a “both/and” response to paradoxes: a two-step stratification process model", Association Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS),  3-5 June, Toulouse, France.

THELISSON A.-S. and KIN V., (2020), “ Influence des managers d’interfaces lors d’un changement organisationnel : cas d’un processus d’intégration post-fusion », 9ème Colloque et séminaire doctoral international ISEOR, 16-17 June, Lyon, France.


KEH P. and THELISSON A-S., (2019), “Navigating global vs local expectations in multinational subsidiaries: the position of local managers at IBM Montpellier (France)”, ATLAS-AFMI Conference, 17-19 June , Friborg, Switzerland, (best paper award).


THELISSON A-S. and KEH P. (2018), “Managerial ambivalence as a response of local survival within a multinational”, European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Conference, 5-7 July, Tallinn, Estonia.

THELISSON A-S., MIRC N. and ROUZIES A., (2018), “Shedding a new light on integration process: a paradoxical view”, European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Conference, 5-7 July, Tallinn, Estonia.


THELISSON A-S., and MISSONIER A., (2016),  “The embedment of the management of paradoxes in merger process”, European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Conference, 7-9 July, Naple, Italy.

THELISSON A-S., MISSONIER A., GÉRAUDEL M. and MISSONIER S., (2016), “Management process of paradoxes of innovation in the context of merger”, European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Conference, 7-9 July, Naple, Italy.

THELISSON A-S., MISSONIER A., GUIEU G. and LUSCHER L.S., (2016), “Management of paradoxes through merger process”, Association Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS) Conference, 30 May-1st June, Hammamet, Tunisia.

THELISSON A-S. and MISSONIER A., (2016), “The embedment of innovation paradoxes in merger process”, Cass Business School Workshop "Working through Paradox: Provocations, Conversations & Theory Development", 3rd May, London, UK.