Faculty member
PhD in management sciences - Athens University of Economics and Business
- Service Recovery
- Value Co-creation
- Corporate Social Responsibility
Head of Research Group 4: Consumer and Market Perspectives
- Marketing Research
- Brand Management
- Research Methodology
- Crisis Communication
- Consumer Experience in the Age of Digital Transformation
- Marketing in the Age of Responsibility
Ioannis Assiouras is a faculty member at ESDES Lyon Business School. He obtained his PhD. in management science from Athens University of Economics and Business. His research interests and expertise lie in the areas of brand management, corporate social responsibility and service marketing. His teaching fields include marketing, crisis communication, CSR in marketing.
ASSIOURAS I., (2019), « Value Co-Creation and Customer Citizenship Behaviour », Annals of Tourism Research, vol. 78, (publication en ligne), (in collaboration with G. Skourtis , A. Giannopoulos, D. Buhalis et M. Koniordos)
ASSIOURAS I., (2018), « Does Co-Creation of Service Recovery Create Value for Customers? The Underlying Mechanism of Motivation and the Role of Operant Resources », European Management Review, vol. 16, n°4, pp. 997-1013, (in collaboration with G. Skourtis, J. M. Decaudin et E. Karaosmanoglu).
ASSIOURAS I., (2015), « The role of Fashion Involvement, Brand Love, and Hedonic Consumption Tendency in Fashion Impulse Purchasing », Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, vol. 6, n°4, pp. 251-264, (in collaboration with G. Liapati et J. M. Decaudin).
ASSIOURAS I., (2015), « The impact of Brand Authenticity on Brand Attachment in the Food Industry », British Food Journal, vol. 117, n° 2, pp. 538-552, (in collaboration with G. Liapati, G., G. Kouletsis et M. Koniordos).
ASSIOURAS I., (2014), « Segmenting East Asian Tourists to Greece by Travel Motivation », Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, vol.20, n° 12, pp. 1389-1410 (in collaboration with G. Skourtis, A. Giannopoulos et M. Koniordos).
ASSIOURAS I., (2014), « Matching tourism type and destination image perceptions in a country context », Journal of Place Management and Development, vol.7, n° 2, pp. 141-152, (in collaboration withS. Kladou et A. Giannopoulos).
ASSIOURAS I., (2013), «The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility in Food Industry’s Product-Harm Crises », British Food Journal, vol. 115 n°1, pp. 108-123, (in collaboration withO. Ozgen, et G. Skourtis).
ASSIOURAS I., (2019), “Location-based Mobile Content Content Consumption: Information versus Transformational Content in the Form of in-App Push Notifications”, 48th EMAC Annual Conference,Special Session Submission “Unpacking the Mystique of Mobile Digital Content and Its Consumers: Insights for Consumer-Brand Relationships”, 28-31 May, 2019, Hamburg, Germany, (in collaboration with E. Karaosmanoglu).
ASSIOURAS I., (2018), “The Effect of Value Co-Creation on Customer Citizenship Behaviour in the hospitality context”, 47th EMAC Annual Conference,29 May – 1 June 2018, Glasgow, UK, (in collaboration with G. Skourtis, A. Giannopoulos et M. Koniordos).
ASSIOURAS I., (2015), “Exploring the role of context and adaptability on customer value co-recovery behaviour”, The 2015 Naples Forum on Service, Service Dominant Logic, Network & Systems Theory and Service Science: Integrating Three Perspectives for a New Service Agenda, 9-12 June 2015, Naples, Italy, (in collaboration with G. Skourtis et E. Karaosmanoglu).
ASSIOURAS I., (2015), “When employee co-destroyed customers’ well-being”, The 2015 Naples Forum on Service, Service Dominant Logic, Network & Systems Theory and Service Science: Integrating Three Perspectives for a New Service Agenda, 9-12 June 2015, Naples, Italy, (in collaboration with G. Skourtis et E. Karaosmanoglu).
ASSIOURAS I., (2015),“Conceptualizing Service Dominant-logic through the Lens of Service-Dominant Logic: A Value-Based Approach”, AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, 13-15 February, 2015, San Antonio, Texas, USA (in collaboration with G. Skourtis et J.-M. Decaudin).
ASSIOURAS I., (2014), “Make the Customers to Love the Brand by Co-creating”, 17th AMS World Marketing Congress, ESAN, 5-8 August, Lima, Peru, (in collaboration with G. Liapati, G. Skourtis et N. Paparoidamis).
ASSIOURAS I., (2014), “Service Failures as Co-destruction moments”, AMS Annual Conference21-23 May, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, (in collaboration with G. Skourtis et J.-M. Decaudin).
ASSIOURAS I., (2014), “Fashion Impulse Purchasing: The role of Brand Love, Fashion Involvement and Hedonic Consumption Tendency”, AMS Annual Conference, 21-23 May, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, (in collaboration with G. Liapati et J.-M. Decaudin).
ASSIOURAS I., (2014), “Reconsidering Service Failures and Service Recovery Strategies: Introducing Mechanism of Value Restoration (MVR)”, 30ème Congrès de l’ Association Française du Marketing, 14-16, May, Montpelier, France, (in collaboration with G. Skourtis et J.-M. Decaudin).
ASSIOURAS I., (2013), “Tourism type and destination image perceptions in a country context: a match/mismatch framework”, International Conferences: Sustainability Challenges and Issues in Tourism, 3-5 October, Istanbul, Turkey, (in collaboration withA. Giannopoulos et S. Kladou).
ASSIOURAS I., (2013), “Matching tourism type and destination image perceptions in a country context”, 42th EMAC Annual Conference, 4-7 June, Istanbul, Turkey, (in collaboration with A. Giannopoulos et S. Kladou).
ASSIOURAS I., (2013), “A Predictive Model for Affective, Cognitive and Behavioral Consumers’ Reactions to Product-harm Crises: Applying Product Involvement, Product Type and Crisis Response Strategies”, 42th AMS Annual Conference,15 -18 May, Monterey Bay, Californie, USA, (in collaboration with Ch. Rouvaki et G. Siomkos).
ASSIOURAS I., (2013), “Co-creation and brand love: developing a theoretical framework”, 42th AMS Annual Conference,15-18 May, Monterey Bay, Californie, USA, (in collaboration with N. Paparoidamis et G. Skourtis).
ASSIOURAS I., (2013), “Tourism type and destination image perceptions in a country context: a match/mismatch framework”, 2th AMS Annual Conference,15-18 May, Monterey Bay, Californie, USA, (in collaboration withS. Kladou et A. Giannopoulos).
ASSIOURAS I., (2012), “Saving the Corporate Soul: Consumers’ Reactions Towards Takeovers of Ethical Brands by Larger Companies”, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), 3-5 December, Adelaide, Australia, (in collaboration with E. Karsaklian).
ASSIOURAS I., (2012), “Consumers’ Reactions after Crises in the Hotel Industry: Being Able or Social Responsible?”,5th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business, 4-5 October, Glion-Montreux, Switzerland, (in collaboration with avec Skourtis, G. Besir, J. Koniordos, M.et P. Athanassopoulou).
ASSIOURAS I., (2012), “Destinations Under Attack: The Impact of Different Types of Tourism Crises”, presented in 5th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business, 4-5 October, Glion-Montreux, Switzerland, (in collaboration with Liapati, G., Skourtis, G. Athanassopoulou, P. and M. Koniordos).
ASSIOURAS I., (2012), “Perceived Risk and Severity after Product-harm Crises: The role of Product Involvement, Product Type and Crisis Response Strategies”, Academy of Marketing Conference, 2-6 July, Southampton, United Kingdom (in collaboration with Rouvaki, Ch., Siomkos, G. et G. Skourtis).
ASSIOURAS I., (2012), “Exploring the Impact of Product Knowledge and Involvement on Receiver’s Reactions: The Role of Negative Word of Mouth Motivations”,Academy of Marketing Conference, 2-6 July, Southampton, United Kingdom, (in collaboration with Skourtis, G. Pollalis, Y.A. et M. Koniordos).
ASSIOURAS I., (2012), "Brand Positioning and Consumer Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility-related News”, 41th EMAC Annual Conference, 22-25 May, Lisbon, Portugal, (en collaboration avec Dimitriu, R. et C. N. Leonidou).
ASSIOURAS I., (2012), “The Impact of Product Involvement on Consumers’ Reactions after Product-harm Crises”, 41th EMAC Annual Conference, 22-25 May, Lisbon, Portugal, (in collaboration with Rouvaki, Ch. et G. Siomkos).
ASSIOURAS I., (2012), “The Influence of Product Knowledge on Consumer’s Company and Product Evaluations in Product-harm Crisis Situations”,41th AMS Annual Conference, 16-19 May, New Orleans, USA, (in collaboration with avec Haas-Kotzegger U., Schlegelmilch, B. et G. Skourtis).
ASSIOURAS I., (2012), “The Impact of Brand Crises on Consumer Reactions: The role of Corporate Ability and Corporate Social Responsibility”, AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, 18-20 February, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA.
ASSIOURAS I., (2011), “Consumer Response to Product-harm Crises: The Role of Product Knowledge and Message Involvement”, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), 28 – 30 November, Perth, Australia, (in collaboration with Haas-Kotzegger, U., Schlegelmilch, B. et G. Skourtis).
ASSIOURAS I., (2011), “Consumers Emotional Reactions after Brand Crises: The Role of Corporate Associations”, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), 28 – 30 November, Perth, Australia.
ASSIOURAS I., (2011), “Consumer Behaviour in the Arena: A Classification of Football Fans” presented in 4th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business, 20-21 October, Elounda, Crete, Greece, (in collaboration with Athanassopoulou P., Zafeiropoulou G. Siomkos G. et J. Douvis).
ASSIOURAS I., (2011), “Greek Football Fans’ Motivations From Boredom Avoidance to Game Quality”, 2nd EMAC Regional Conference,21-23 September, Iasi, Romania, (in collaboration with Skourtis G. et G. Zafeiropoulou).
ASSIOURAS I., (2011), “Hospital under Crisis and Different Response Strategies: Comparative Study between Greek and Turkish Consumers”, 2nd EMAC Regional Conference,21-23 September, Iasi, Romania, (in collaboration with Ozgen O., Rouvaki Ch. et G. Skourtis).
ASSIOURAS I., (2011), “Exploring the Importance of Sports Facilities & Staff for Football Fans”, 3rd Biennial International Conference on Services Marketing,07-09 September, Çeşme, İzmir, Turkeyi, (in collaboration with Athanassopoulou P., Skourtis G. Zafeiropoulou G. et G. Siomkos).
ASSIOURAS I., (2011), “Social Media and Destination Branding: How Mediterranean Tourism Destinations Use Facebook”, Academy of Marketing Conference, 5-7 July, Liverpool, United Kingdom, (in collaboration with Chernysheva E., Skourtis G., et M. Koniordos).
ASSIOURAS I., (2011), “Exploring Rhetoric in Advertising from a New Viewpoint: An Empirical Study”, 40th EMAC Annual Conference,24-27 May, Ljubljana, Slovenia, (in collaboration with Patriarcheas, D. et G. Siomkos).
ASSIOURAS I., (2011), “The impact of Corporate Ability and Corporate Social Responsibility on Brand Evaluation and Buying Intentions in Brand Crises”, 40thEMAC Annual Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 24-27 May, Ljubljana, Slovenia, (in collaboration with Siomkos G. et O. Ozgen).
ASSIOURAS I., (2011), “An Analysis of Brand-building Elements in the Official Mediterranean Tourism Websites”, 40thEMAC Annual Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 24-27 May, Ljubljana, Slovenia, (in collaboration with Chernysheva E., Koniordos M. et G. Skourtis).
ASSIOURAS I., (2011), “Consumer Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Greek Mobile Telecommunication Industry”, 8th CIRCLE International Conference, 27-29 April, Dubrovnik, Croatia, (in collaboration with Siomkos G., Skourtis G. et M. Koniordos).
ASSIOURAS I., (2011), “Fair Trade Tourism: The Case of South Africa”, 8th CIRCLE International Conference, 27-29 April, Dubrovnik, Croatia, (in collaboration with Vatikiotis A, Kalamara A., Skourtis G. et M. Koniordos).
ASSIOURAS I., (2011), “The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Consumers’ Emotional Reactions in Product-Harm Crises”, AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, 18 – 20 February, Austin, Texas, USA, (in collaboration with Ozgen O. and G. Skourtis).
ASSIOURAS I., (2010), “Having Corporate Ability or Corporate Social Responsibility Positioning: Building Strong Brands in a Brand Crisis”, 39th EMAC Annual Conference, 1-4 June, Copenhagen, Denmark,(in collaboration with Ozgen O. and N. Saker-Soultani).
ASSIOURAS I., (2010), “Detrimental Tourist Behavior and De-Marketing of Cultural of Heritage Visits”, 8th International Symposium on the Conservation of Monuments in the Mediterranean Basin, May 31-June 2, Patras, Greece, (in collaboration with Öter. Z. et M. Markopoulos).
ASSIOURAS I., (2009), “Pre-Departure Destination Perceptions by First-Time Visitors with Prior Experience in Competitors: Case of Greece and Turkey”, Consumer Behavior in Tourism Symposium, 15-19 December, Brunico, Italy, (in collaboration with Aktas G., Gunlu E. et C. Miral).
ASSIOURAS I., (2009), “Push Travel Motivations of Japanese and Chinese Travelers”, eRA-4/Synenergy-2 International Scientific Conference, Spetses, Capmus of Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus, 24-26 September, (in collaboration with Skourtis G., Andreou D., M. Koniordos).
ASSIOURAS I., (2009), “Being Responsible or just not Irresponsible: A Study of Consumer Attributions of Blame during a product-harm crisis”, 38th EMAC Annual Conference, 26-29 May, Nantes, France (in collaboration with L. Lymberogianni).