Nabila Arfaoui

Nabila Arfaoui

PhD in economics


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Portrait EC Nabila Arfaoui


Faculty member


PhD in economics, Nice Sophia-Antipolis University


  • Economy and management of environmental innovation


Group 3: Economy and management of sustainable innovations


  • Principles of economics
  • Industrial organization and economics dynamics
  • Social and environmental issues
  • Circular economy, networks of actors and field survey
  • History of economic thought and economic facts
  • History of economics


Nabila Arfaoui is a faculter member in economics at ESDES Lyon Business School. She obtained her PhD in economics at the University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis where she was interested in the role of the European REACH regulation in the development of environmental innovations. Her research area falls between the field of innovation economics and the environment. She has published several articles in major international journals (Ecological Economics, Industrial and CorporateChange, Applied Economics…). She has also coordinated and produced reports within European projects (H2020 NAIAD, wwwforeurope…). She is a member, among others, of the European Society for Ecological Economics, Governance and Complex Word, International Schumpeter Society


Articles in referenced journals (CNRS, FNEGE)


ARFAOUI N., (2021), « Patterns of technology knowledge in the case of ocean energy technologies », Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, vol. 1, n° 34, pp 101- 133, (in collaboration with E. Brouillat, M. St-Jean and D. Virapin).


ARFAOUI N., (2020), « Supporting NBS restoration measures: A test of VBN theory in the Brague catchment », Economics Bulletin, vol. 40, n° 2, pp. 1272-1280, (in collaboration with A. Gnonlonfin).


ARFAOUI N., (2018), « “Reach for the sky”: modeling the impact of policy stringency on industrial dynamics in the case of the REACH regulation», Industrial and Corporate Change, vol. 27, n° 2, pp. 289–320, (in collaboration with E. Brouillat and M. St-Jean).

ARFAOUI N., (2018), « Eco-innovation and regulatory push/pull effect in the case of REACH regulation: empirical evidence from survey data», Applied Economics, vol. 50, n° 14, pp. 1536-1554.

Press article


ARFAOUI N., LE BAS C., VERNIER M.-F., VO L.-C.,(2020), « Les entreprises innovantes, plus engagées dans l’économie circulaire », The conversation, (online publication).

Participation in conferences


ARFAOUI N., (2019), « The economic value of NBS restoration measures and their benefits in a river basin context: A meta-analysis regression », 13th conference society of ecological economics, the European Society for Ecological Economies (ESEE), Natural Resources lnstitute Finland, Luke, University of Turku, University of Helsinki, University of Eastern Finland, Turku University of Applied Sciences, and Abo Akademi Universjty, 18-21 June, Turku, Finland.

Working papers


ARFAOUI N., LE BAS C., L.-C. VO et M.-F. VERNIER, (2020), « Circular Economy Practices and Innovative Behaviors. Lessons from Empirical Research in the Chemical Industry », Working Paper ESDES Recherche.

ARFAOUI N., (2020), « Efficience économique et financement des Solutions Fondées sur la Nature : Le cas du bassin versant de la Brague », (in collaboration with A. Gnonlonfin, G. Piton et A. Douai).

ARFAOUI N., (2020), « Testing Meta-Regression Analysis in the context of NBS restoration measures: The case of Brague River », (in collaboration with A. Gnonlonfin).

ARFAOUI N., (2020), « Double components, three domains of impact and three valuation languages for assessing the insurance value of Nature-Based Solutions », (in collaboration with A. Gnonlonfin).