Nathalie Tessier

Nathalie Tessier

PhD in management sciences


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Portrait EC Nathalie TESSIER


Faculty member


PhD in management sciences, Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University


  • Critical Management Studies
  • Human Resources in VSE/SMEs
  • Innovative HRM practices in traditional business and ESS partnerships


Group 1: Social responsibility and ethical transformation of organizations


  • Human Resource Management
  • Management
  • Master's thesis Methodology


Nathalie TESSIER is a faculty member and Head of the Department of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship. She has a PhD from Jean-Moulin Lyon 3 University. She is interested in the issues and practices of HRM in diverse organizational contexts. Her research in HRM is particularly focused on critical management (CMS). In addition, she is currently part of a research project on the impact on HRM and the management of partnerships between traditional companies and SSE companies.


A 3-year project from January 2017 to December 2020 with various focuses: diagnosis / experience-sharing workshops / research communication / teaching. The partners are UCLY within CRESO (Social Entrepreneurship Research Center) and AEH (Humanist Entrepreneurship Workshops). Examples of associated companies participating in the survey: ENVIE Rhône Alpes; United towards Employment, Tremplin (ESS companies); and Sita Suez Environment; Mondial Tissus, Est Métropole Habitat (Classic Company).


Articles in listed journals (CNRS, FNEGE)


TESSIER N., (2015), "Knowledge Sharing in Online Communities: the power game", Journal of Business Strategy, vol. 36, n° 3, pp. 11-17, (in collaboration with C. Kimble and I. Bourdon).


TESSIER N., (2014), "Participer à une communauté de pratique virtuelle : retours d'expériences dans une multinationale de l'ingénierie", Recherches en Sciences de Gestion, 2014/1, n° 100, pp. 121-140, (in collaboration with I. Bourdon and C. Kimble).

TESSIER N. et VIVEL C., (2014), "La labellisation comme stratégie de desserrement des contraintes de l'environnement. Le cas des centres d'appels en France", Revue Management et Avenir, n° 69, pp. 125-146, (in collaboration with B. Dubrion).

Article de presse


TESSIER N., (2020), « Le partenariat, booster de l'agilité managériale », Revue Personnel , n° December 2020, pp. 26-28.

Book chapter


TESSIER N., (2020), « Les impacts des partenaires sur les pratiques de GRH », in : M. Bui-Leturcq and E. Gabellieri, (dir.), Partenariats et innovation sociale. Vers une coconstruction du bien commun, Lyon, Chronique sociale, pp. 119-130.


TESSIER N. and DAVID P., (2016), "Souffrance paradoxale des sportifs de haut niveau. Introduction à l’épreuve de la souffrance", Revue Psychanalyse & Management, n° 05/2015, pp. 71-87.


TESSIER N. and VIVEL C., (2015), "Le management des ressources humaines et la responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise : entre dynamisme et ambivalence des outils/pratiques", Chapitre 3, in: V. Chassagnon, Vers un modèle de gouvernement durable de l’entreprise capitaliste : l’unité dans la pluralité au service de la société, pp. 51-60.

Participation in conferences


TESSIER N. et PRINCE AGBODJAN D., (2018), "Le partenariat entre les entreprises classiques et les entreprises de l'ESS, un support d'innovation sociale en GRH", 29éme congrès de l’AGRH, IAE Lyon 3 University, October 29-31, Lyon, France.

TESSIER N., DHAOUADI I., MERCURI CHAPUIS S. and LIVIAN Y., (2018), "L'intérêt des cas pédagogiques critiques pour l'enseignement de la Responsabilité Sociétale des Organisations (RSO) dans les institutions de formation au management", 13ème Congrès du RIODD, Grenoble-Alpes University, October 16-18, Grenoble, France.


TESSIER N., DHAOUADI I. and MERCURI CHAPUIS S., (2017), workshop : "Teaching TMS with Case studies: dabtes and proposals", 6th Doctoral workshop on Critical Management Studies, March 28-29, Paris, France (in collaboration with Y. LIVIAN).


TESSIER N., (2015), Animation of the workshop for "Symposium sur les communautés de Pratiques", Kedge Business School, Toulon Campus, June 11-12, Toulon, France.