ESDES offers to all of its students a 2 months minimum engagement in a humanitarian, social and civic mission - strictly voluntary.
To what purpose ? Discover the Other, diversity and difference. This encounter is essential in the student's self-development but also in professional life, and especially in the exercise of responsible management, in which ESDES has been a leading actor for over 30 years. During these two months in contact with less privileged populations, near us or in developing countries, students will have the opportunity to acquire a sense of human values and demonstrate their commitment. To succeed in this mission, they will need to overcome their prejudices and will be able to confirm that giving is above all receiving.
Students choose to carry out this mission in France or abroad according to their aspirations and motivations. Hosted by associations or NGOs belonging to the ESDES network, they will have to carry out missions in close contact with the people in question: tutoring, language initiation, literacy, organization of activities or events, visits, construction / development of sites, food or clothing distribution, reception ...
These volunteer missions are a response to a generation in search of meaning and ideals, but also to the need to see beyond their individualistic uses and bring these ideals into contact with the reality of collective action characterized by humility and perseverance.
Seeking out the "misfortunes" of the world when you are barely 20 years old is not always easy. This is why ESDES has set up a preparation and support module with the CIEDEL (International Center for Local Development Studies) allowing all students to be sensitized so that they can have a remarkable human experience.
A group feedback is organized at the end of the mission so that all the students share their experiences, and successes but also the difficulties encountered. Students of other year levels are invited to better prepare for their own missions by benefiting from the expertise of the older students.
Experience has shown that such a commitment makes it possible to grow and better understand the complexity of the social and environmental issues faceing a manager. SoliCity is thus a performance accelerator, as much for our students as for the organizations that will recruit them.